Tuesday, October 7, 2014

9 reasons why Harry Potter has the best Hero's Journey

I-in the series Harry comes across many monsters. In the first book he meets Qurel who has voldemort in the back of his head. in the second he comes across the scariest monster, fluffy, the three headed dog.  In the third he meets whomping willow And by the end of the series meets manny more monsters.

-before Harry's journey begins his parents die when he is only a baby. So he is forced to live with his mean relatives Vernon and petunia dursly, until one day when he gets his letter to hogwarts.

-Dumbledore is the worlds best mentor. All heroes have a mentor that guides them to victory.
Harry's mentor was Dumbledore. Dumbledore has always been a mentor to Harry. He never gave up on him, even when he was at his worst. Dumbledore is the worlds best mentor.

-Hermione and Ron. Hermione and Ron have been on Harry's side forever. They helped fight, find secrets, and helped save his life. Hermione and Ron made it possible to defeat Voldemort.
http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27900000/Harry-Ron-and-Hermione-harry- potter-27926080-500-380.png

- The unhealable wound. Harry suffers from the scar, the unhealable wound. When Voldemort killed his parents, he tried to kill Harry, but it backfired, and he got the Lightning bolt. The scar changes his life forever. The scar defeated Voldemort.

-In every story, there is a bad guy. In the Harry Potter series, Voldemort is the bad guy. Everyone is struggling to kill him and it's not working. He murders innocent people and bad people. He is defiantly the most evil person in the Harry Potter series.

-Heroes Beginning:Every hero Has a beginning. For Harry it's when he is living with his
aunt and uncle at Number 4 private drive and he receives magical letters delivered by hundreds of owls. Harrys beginning is truly magical.

-Tests and challenges: Every hero Has tests and Harry had a lot of them he was one very challenging one is the goblet of fire. In that very special wizard test he faces a dragon and mermaids. After surviving the challenges and winning the cup he faces volte org in a graveyard. http://wastedtimefilm.blogspot.com/2011/08/50-greatest-harry-potter-moments-10-1.html

-Devine intervention: Every hero has some help and Harry has help from lots of different places. Some examples include his parents returning as ghosts to help him and lots of witches and wizards. One of the Wizards was also a werewolf ( professor Lupin). 

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