Thursday, October 9, 2014

Star Wars

Monsters and Monster people
1. Darth Vader, the Emperor and Jabba the hut are all monster enemies because of their twisted, darkened minds. Their monsters because they kill without remorse and hold hostages and just plain want to dictate the entire universe like every SINGLE SUPER VILLAN EVER KNOWN!!!! And because they always have this weapon of mass destruction ready to destroy everything in their path!

2. Yoda and obi wan are wise and mentors because of the following... They both have mysterious past, are old leaders/creators of a rebel group planning to overthrow a evil leader. Train the naive hero in the ways of the old or the good ways. Usually die and show that they were once really important wise people on deathbed 

3. Luke yearns for a woman named Princess Leia. Princess Leia is Luke's sister. However Leia already has a boyfriend named Han Solo. Luke yearns for Princess Leia because he thinks she is beautiful.

4. Luke is born in a spaceship that is on a volcanic planet. Padmé Amidala lost the will to live because Anakin was evil and made sure to give birth to Luke.

5. Had no parents. Luke's parents were Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. Padmé Amadala died after giving birth. His father is Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker who went to the dark side before he was born. 

6. Loyal companions. Luke had many companions including Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leah, Obi Won, R2-D2, and C-3PO

7. The force is the use of moving things with your mind and being able to convince non Jedi to think things. This super natural power separates Jedi from regular people, Warriors  from people. 

8. Luke SkyWalker is fighting Darth Vader when Darth says he is Luke's father and Luke doesn't believe him so Darth cuts off Luke's hand. This is a symbol from his father saying believe me.

9. Inexperience-Luke is inexperienced because when Luke goes into to the Desert and gets mauled by sandman and sees obi at that time he is inexperienced and could not fight back because he did not know how to fight

10. Physical and Mental Training- Yoda trains Luke to fight darth vader. Yoda gives Luke a couple weeks of Physical And mental Training. 

Guardîans of the Galaxy

The Guardians of the Galaxy Hero's Journey

1.Peter Quill meets some pretty monstrous people during his journey.  He meets Nebula who is a cyborg assassin who is pretty much indestructible.  He also meets a psycho killer who is trying to take over the galaxy by destroying everyone, named Ronan, who Nebula works for. If you don,t think that that is monstrous i don't know what is.

2.Peter definitely yearns for a beautiful woman during the movie.  Gamora is a beautiful alien who peter meets during his journey.  Well as beautiful as a green alien can get. Any way the whole movie Peter is trying to get Gamora. One time he even almost kissed her but she almost killed him for doing that.  Its is not until the end that Gamora starts being nicer to Peter but even then she friend zones him. 

3.Peter had a really good motivational speech.  When they were about to fight Ronan, Peter talked about how if they fight together they can defeat Ronan.  This talk really affected them because they decide that they can save the people together even if that means they die together.  

4.Peter had a pretty rough childhood because his parents died at a young age, well at least his mom did (he had no clue about where his dad was).  When his mom was dying Peter was devistated.  When his mom actually died he ran out of the hospital.  All of the grief made him tough which helped him out later when he was fighting Ronan because he was brave enough to fight Ronan.

5.Peter Quill has a bad unhealable wound.  When his mom died of cancer in the beginning of the movie he is really affected by it.  You can tell Peter is sensitive on the subject because later in the movie he is talking to another character about his mom so he stuttered and changed the subject.

6. Peters gift to society was when the guardians of the galaxy save the Zandariens from Ronan.  They save the planet Xander when they crash the Dark Aster ( Ronan's ship), and killing Ronan after ward.  At the end the Zandarians thanked and rewarded the Guardians of the Galaxy.   

7. If Star lord (Peter quill) had never wanted the infinity stone, then imagine what the movie would be like. The whole movie is centered around the infinity stone. Star Lord figures out the stone is important after the people came after him for the stone, saying "hand it over", is the very second he realizes it is not a ball and that this is going to start his heroes journey. If he had forked it over, then Ronan would use it as a weapon of mass destruction.

8. If you need heroes, in outer space. Who you gonna call? The Guardians of the Galaxy!
Like The Avengers, they are a loyal band of companions with 5 heroes stopping an evil powerhouse. The only difference between these two groups of superheroes is that the guardians all started out trying to kill each other (except for Rocket and Groot). They all became the loyal band of companions that we know of after helping each other escape from prison. This made them a true band of companions.

8 Resons Why Harry Potter is a Hero's Journey

He lost his parents at a young age.

Harry lost his parents at very young age to Lord Voldemort. His mom sacrificed herself in order to save him. This was very tragic, but it kept him going. Through the series, his main goal was always to kill Voldemort.


He suffers from an unhealable wound.

When Voldemort killed his parents, he also tried to kill Harry. Harry's mother saved him, but he did walk out with an unhealable wound, his lightning scar.

He is supernatural.

He has supernatural powers because he is a wizard, but what makes him special is that he survived Voldemort's death curse. Harry is the only wizard who can defeat Voldemort. For that reason, he is not only supernatural, but special.

He was inexperienced.

When Harry first gets to Hogwarts, he is very inexperienced. He's never been trained on how to use his powers. This makes him very inexperienced because he has had no education.        

He has a wise, old mentor.

When I think of wise and old, I think of Dumbledore. Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, but also a mentor to Harry. He guides Harry through all of his trails, and battles.

He has a loyal band of companions.

Harry Potter has a loyal band of companions, Hermione and Ron. They are his best friends because they are always there for him whether he's going through rough times, or needs help in a battle against Voldemort.

He meets monstrous people.

Harry meets monstrous people, like Lord Voldemort. Voldemort is Harry's worst enemy, because he can get very powerful and dangerous. Harry is the only one who can kill him

He engages in tests.

Harry engages in tests and contests of strength when he tries to defeat Voldemort. He must overcome many obstacles throughout his journey. He has to go on a long adventure in order to collect 7 horcruxes and defeat Voldemort.

2. When it comes to standing up for your sister this is not what you think it means. In the Hunger Games, when Katniss volunteers to save her sister from fighting for her life

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10 reasons frozen is an awesome hero's journey❄️⛄️❄️

Nothing says monster like a giant snow creature.
Ana, Olaf, Christof, and Sven meets a huge snow monster made by Elsa to keep people out of her castle.

The trolls are wise mentors to Ana.
When Ana was a child, she was struck in the head with Elsa's powers, and the trolls healed her. When Ana was older, she was struck in the heart, and the trolls helped her find the way to save her life.

What is thought to be true love may not be.
Ana yearns for prince Häns but soon learns that he is evil.  She then wishes Christof was with her.

nothing says living alone like a young girl being raised by castle staff.Ana has no parents. Most heros don't have parents much like Ana, having no parents shows she had to grow up alone without any support or love from her parents

The hero struggles for something valuable or important.
This happens to Ana when she struggles to find/bring back her sister Elsa, so they can bring back summer

 Every hero has his/her band of loyal companions.
Ana has Cristoff, Olaf and Sven who she knows are loyal to her and she trusts.

Ana is a hero when she leaves the safety of the castle to get Elsa to bring back summer.
Ana is trying to help everyone in the castle by getting Elsa to bring back summer, this shows she is very caring to go through trouble to help others.

 The hero endures tests of strength.
Ana has to escape threats that put her in danger. An example of this is when she and Kristoff are riding in the sleigh and they are being chased by wolves. Another example is when Ana, Olaf and Kristoff have to escape the huge snowman that is guarding Elsa's ice castle.

What says magical cave like an ice castle.
Ana steps into Elsa's ice castle and enters the innermost cave.

Ana helps Elsa bring back summer.
Ana helps Elsa find the way to end the freezing winter, and bring back summer when Ana was frozen solid, and Elsa thawed her with love. Elsa then realizes that the way to stop the winter is love, and the 2 sisters bring back summer

10 Reasons Why the Hunger Games is a Hero's Journey

1) The hero, Katniss meets many mean and monstrous people through out the hunger games. Many of the competitors want to kill her and she is by herself for the most part of the hunger games. None of the people came to help her all hey wanted to do was il her therefore they Are monstrous people. 

2) The hero Katniss takes on a physical and mental contest . The hunger games . Where she has to compete for her against rival districts . In this contest Katniss uses her strength (physical) and brain (mental). Taking on many different tasks along the way

 3) Katniss lost her father when she was young. Her father was a big influence for her and taught her how to hunt. Without her father she wouldn't have been good in the hunger games Or worse got killed and not able to be a hero. When her father died it in only made her stronger. That built her to be a hero later on in the book. 

4) The hero Katniss suffers from an unbearable emotional wound.  Katniss suffers from her memories of the games.  She remembers the death of her friends, watching others being killed and more horrifying actions of people trying to kill her.

5) When Katniss enters the hunger games she has to fight for her life. The hunger games world is dangerous and things change every minute. Katniss gains strength when she fights against the other nominees . thehungergames/images/e/e6/Katniss,_D5_male,_D4_male,_and_Rue.PNG&imgrefurl=http:// Cornucopia_bloodbath&h=640&w=822&tbnid=ZigwtXk_TRVjtM:&zoom=1&q=hunger+games +arena+platform&docid=ycI-whqZgEhs0M&hl=en&ei=664yVNeZK4aOyAT- i4GQCA&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCUQMygJMAk 

6) The hero Katniss grows up in a rural area called district 12 away from the Capital.   District 12 is very poor and Katniss has to hunt for her own food as well for her family.  District 12 has never won a Hunger Games that is why it was such a big deal that Katniss wins the games. It also gives the district hope because they are such outsiders.

7) The hero katniss has a wise but strange mentor haymich who won the hunger games and is now training katniss for the games. he is strange. His purpose it to guide katniss so she can win the hunger games. He is 40 years old. 




8) The hero katniss has a call for adventure when she is picked to be in the hunger games the hunger games is when you put teenagers in a area and fight for there lives. district 12 has never one the games that is a huge adventure she is going so many miles away



9) Katniss the hero, could not be struggling for something valuable more then she already is. The thing she is struggling for is her life and their is nothing more important than that. When she enters the games it is a life or death situation and that is definetly a struggle for something valuable.


10) Katniss is definitely a special and one of a kind character who represents a culture or nation. Katniss is definetly special because she one the hunger games and tons of people get murdered in the games and Katniss was the one of the last two standing. She also is a special and one of kind character because she changed the games forever when she almost killed herself in the games for love. The culture she Is representing is her district, district 12 and they could not be happier to have a winner of the games from their district